
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Curso de Pasteleria Primavera 2012 español


Con este curso queremos mostrarte todas las técnicas y trucos que puedes aplicar para realizar maravillosas y buenísimas recetas de cocina aplicadas a la pastelería artesanal.

Todo está explicado de forma sencilla y aplicable para que puedas así crear nuevas recetas con sólo un poco de imaginación.  Aprende a crear magníficos pasteles y postres con este sencillo curso.

Pastel de siete capas de Caramelo
Este es nuestro pastel de capas más popular!
Las capas húmedas de color amarillo pastel se llenan con Caramelo que se derrite en tu boca, este pastel puede ser congelado y vuelto a congelar hasta por seis meses, que le da el lujo de elegante entretenimiento en la punta de los dedos.

Pastel de chocolate
Cuatro capas de rico pastel de chocolate están cubiertas con el famoso caramelo formación de hielo.
 Nuestras capas de ricos chocolate están réyenos de capas alternas de ganache de chocolate y el famoso caramelo formación de hielo. Perfecto para cualquier persona que aprecia el lujo de una indulgencia ocasional.
Red Velvet Cake
Esta versión del pastel de terciopelo rojo utiliza nuestra deliciosa crema de queso para el relleno y la formación de crema.
Pastel de limón
Justo a tiempo para la primavera y la temporada de verano! Las capas de siete de Tarta de limón se llenan con nuestro limón fresco y picante Cuajada infusión y crema de mantequilla cremosa, delicadamente con nuestra crema de mantequilla con sabor de limón. Este es el mejor pastel de limón de mi vida!
Pastel de Zanahorias
Cuatro capas húmedas de nuestras características Torta de nuez, pasas, coco y zanahoria alternando capas de nuestra firma de los glaseados de queso crema, Nuestros clientes dicen que esto es, “El mejor pastel de zanahoria en el mundo ".

Dirección: 214 S. Brand Blvd. San Fernando CA 91340
 Horario: Todos los Lunes de Curso de pastelería primavera2012 6PM – 8PM
 Registrase al teléfono: 1-818-492-6390
 Instructor: Nanny Scherer  818-399-7708

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jeweled and Chocolate Easter egg

March 2012
For the Panoramic Egg molds, CALL AT: 818-499-06390
Chocolate Egg

"Perfect Pearl" Jeweled Easter egg

"Perfect" is the word for this elegant egg, and "Pearl" is one of the many effects. in this instructional

In addition to the lovely pearl candy egg, she shows you how to make the flowers, including Lily of the Valley.
Add to that the delicate pearls, "jewels" and leaves, and the result is breathtaking.

Let Creatividades Latinas instructor, give you the step-by-step instructions to make this centerpiece, and be prepared for the accolades that follow!

For the Panoramic Egg molds, Call Creatividades Latinas 1-818-492-6390

Easter Chocolate Egg- Panoramic Sugar Eggs- Easter Basket-Easter 3D Cookie

March 2012
For the Panoramic Egg molds, CALL AT: 818-499-06390

Chocolate Egg

 Sugar Eggs are a touch of the past that need to be shared with today's generation. Truly an icon of Easter, these delicately decorated sugar eggs still hold the fascination that they always did. And with Nanny Scherer teaching style, you'll be able to create these special Easter treats. You learn step-by-step how to make these lovely "Panoramic Sugar Eggs!" They should be a part of your decorating repertoire!

This is a lovely egg made with melted white chocolate. The detail work is what sets it apart from other Easter gifts and makes it a presentation piece.
The egg is hollow, too, so it can be filled with other Easter goodies.
Creatividades Latinas instructor, shows you step-by-step how to make this egg, and you can make your own creation right away!
They should be a part of your decorating repertoire!

For the Panoramic Egg molds, Call Creatividades Latinas 1-818-492-6390

"Faberge Fantasy"
Candy Egg Container

Elegant - Unbelievable - too beautiful to eat... those are the exclamations people will make when they see your "Faberge Fantasy" egg. Yes, it is a container and can hold other candies, but the delight is in the lovely outer details.
And it looks much more difficult than it really is. Tami can show you step-by-step how to create your own candy egg masterpiece

For the Panoramic Egg molds, Call Creatividades Latinas 1-818-492-6390

"Panoramic Sugar Eggs"

Sugar Eggs are a touch of the past that need to be shared with today's generation.
Truly an icon of Easter, these delicately decorated sugar eggs still hold the fascination that they always did.

And with Creatividades Latinas instructor, easy teaching style, you'll be able to create these special Easter treats.

How to make these lovely "Panoramic Sugar Eggs!" They should be a part of your decorating repertoire!

For the Panoramic Egg molds, Call Creatividades Latinas 1-818-492-6390

For the Panoramic Egg molds, Call Creatividades Latinas 1-818-492-6390

Huevos de Pascua

Clases de Pascua
Primavera de 2012
Todo con Azucar y Chocolate

Chocolate Egg

"Faberge Fantasy"
Candy Egg Container

"Panoramic Sugar Eggs"

"Perfect Pearl" Jeweled Easter egg

"Happy Easter Basket"

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Spring Cake decorating Class for kids and Teemager


Spring Cake- Cupcakes - Cake Pops - Decorating Class 
for kids and Teenager

Schedule: April 2th – 6th 
Time: 2PM-4PM
Monday thru Thursday
 Monday  1:30pm to 4pm
Tuesday  1:30pm to 4pm
Wednesday  1:30pm to 4pm
Thursday  1:30pm to 4pm

Students will learn the techniques to make beautiful pieces for, children's and many special occasion cakes. Learn to work with different materials, such as fondant, modeling paste, modeling chocolate or chocolate clay and rice cereal treats. 

Enrollment is based on a First come first serve basis!
Close Registration in March,2012
Four Classes for $ 50.00
Material not include
10 years to Teen
If you pay x day is $20.00 

For more information call as at:
818- 399-7708
 email as:
classes English / Spanish.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February calendar 2012. SPECIAL EVENTS

February Calendar 2012 w Pictures

Chocolate Mocha and Crema Chantilly Class in February and March 2012

Mocha y Queque Calendar


Gum Paste Flower Class in Creatividades Latinas 2012